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Drugs Versus Bugs: In Pursuit Of The Persistent Predator Mycobacterium Tuberculosis

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Tuberculosis Isn't Gone: A Tale Of TB In The U.S. Today

Not all states require such training, but Dodie knows firsthand how important it can be. "I trained a young lady who said she had only once come across anyone with TB and didn't think it was still a problem. So, I told her about my daughter who is living proof that isn't true."

TB is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It usually attacks the lungs, but TB bacteria can go after any part of the body. Not everyone infected with tuberculosis becomes sick, so TB is split into two categories:

  • Latent TB infection or inactive TB and
  • TB disease
  • Latent TB infection cannot be spread to others and individuals with latent TB do not have symptoms. While TB disease can be spread to others through the air when a person with active TB disease coughs or talks and others breathe in the bacteria.

    Most people think of tuberculosis as a disease that no longer plagues our world, but it isn't gone. Though it is less common in the U.S. Than it was at the turn of the 20th century, the CDC estimates that there are 13 million people in the United States living with inactive TB. Without treatment, 1 in 10 of them will become sick with active TB disease, which is then highly contagious. In 2022, there were over 8,000 cases of TB in the United States, and TB was the second most infectious killer after COVID-19. Today, TB remains the 13th leading cause of death worldwide. There are options for treating latent TB infection to prevent getting TB disease later as well as treatment regimens for active TB disease that take several months. A healthcare provider will decide the appropriate treatment option. Successful completion of treatment is important to cure TB disease and minimize the spread to others. Anyone with either symptoms of TB or a positive TB test result should be evaluated by a healthcare provider for TB disease.

    TB elimination in the United States is still the goal and will require efforts to diagnose and treat TB disease and latent TB infection, especially in communities at increased risk. Learn more at Lung.Org/tuberculosis.

    Bharat Biotech Begins Clinical Trial Of Tuberculosis Vaccine MTBVAC In India

    Hyderabad: Clinical trials of MTBVAC, the Spanish tuberculosis vaccine, the first live attenuated vaccine of Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolated from a human, have been started in India, the most populated country in the world and the one with the highest number of cases of this infectious disease.

    The trials are carried out by Bharat Biotech in close collaboration with Biofabri. Trials to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of MTBVAC have started with a pivotal safety, immunogenicity and efficacy trial planned to start in 2025.

    After more than three decades of research, Esteban Rodriguez, CEO of Biofabri says, "It is a giant step to test in adults and adolescents in the country where 28% of the world's TB cases accumulate and concludes that more effort and funding is needed to combat TB, which remains one of the world's leading infectious causes of death, especially in India."

    Dr. Krishna Ella, Executive Chairman Bharat Biotech added, "Our quest for a more effective vaccine against Tuberculosis received a big boost, with clinical trials in India. Our goal to develop TB vaccines to prevent disease in adults and adolescents has taken a big step. We are honoured to partner with BioFabri, Dr. Esteban Rodriguez and Dr. Carlos Martin in this noble effort to reinvent TB vaccines."

    As per the release, the MTBVAC vaccine has passed several milestones before entering clinical trials in India. The first is that after the recent completion of a Phase2 dose finding trial, a double-blind, controlled Phase3 clinical trial in newborns has started in 2023, comparing the vaccine with the current BCG vaccine. 7,000 newborns from South Africa, 60 from Madagascar and 60 from Senegal will be vaccinated. To date, more than 1,900 babies have been vaccinated. The aim is to assess the immunogenicity and efficacy of MTBVAC which is administered intradermally to infants on the first day of life.

    Vaccination began at a time of setback in the global fight against TB. Health restrictions imposed during the COVID-19 pandemic led to an increase in infections and a decrease in diagnosis and treatment. As a result, annual TB deaths have risen to over 1.6 million.

    This Phase3 neonatal project, partially funded by the European Union through its EDCTP (European & Development Countries Clinical Trial Partnership) programme, is being coordinated by Biofabri, as part of a consortium that also includes the University of Zaragoza (Unizar), TuBerculosis Vaccine Initiative (TBVI), The University of Cape Town (UCT)/SATVI, Wits VIDA Health Consortium (WHC), Stellenbosch University (SUN-FAMCRU), Enhancing Care Foundation (ECF), Center de Recherche Biomedicale Espoir Pour La Santé (CRB-EPLS, Senegal) and Institut Pasteur de Madagascar (IPM).

    "Another important milestone is that after completing a dose escalation trial in HIV uninfected adults, a Phase2 study in HIV infected adults has started in 2024 to determine whether MTBVAC is safe in this population. This ongoing trial at 16 sites in South Africa – involving the vaccination of 276


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