Antibiotic Side Effects and How to Manage Them
roseola in infants :: Article Creator What You Should Know About RSV In Babies RSV is a respiratory infection that is common and sometimes serious in babies. Some symptoms include difficulty breathing, lethargy, cough, and more. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a serious respiratory infection that can affect people of all ages. But RSV is most serious when it occurs in babies. That's because babies' airways aren't as well-developed, so they cannot cough up mucus like older children or adults. Also, their airways are smaller, so they can experience airway blockage easily, causing trouble breathing. In many people, RSV causes cold symptoms, often with a cough. In babies, RSV can cause a more serious illness called bronchiolitis. Babies with bronchiolitis have wheezing along with their cough. RSV can lead to other severe infections, including pneumonia. In some cases, babies may need to receive treatment at a hospital. ...