Sexually Transmitted Diseases:- Their Nature And Cure - Third Publication
boil near anus :: Article Creator Why Would A Boil Grow On Your Inner Thigh-And What Can You Do About It? Medically reviewed by Susan Bard, MD Boils are an infection of the hair follicle usually caused by a bacteria known as Staphylococcus aureus (staph). They can develop anywhere on the body but are common in areas like the inner thigh. Treating boils that develop on the inner thigh usually involves warm compresses, keeping the site protected, and avoiding friction on the skin. Symptoms of Boils on the Inner Thigh Boils on the inner thigh usually start as a small tender bump under your skin. The site will have some warmth when touched, appear red, and have some degree of swelling. As the boil begins to fill with more pus, made of dead cells and fluid, the area will grow. You might also notice pain worsening. Sometimes, the center of the boil will appear yellow as the pus begins to show through the skin. Symptoms of an inner thigh boil ca...