Itchy Skin During Monsoon? Learn How To Manage Skin Allergies | - Femina


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All around, vegetation is blooming, making it impossible to resist the first drops of rain. The temptation to walk in the rain or take long drives is simply irresistible. While beneficial to one's emotional health, the monsoons can cause a variety of skin concerns for some individuals, says Dr. Rinky Kapoor, Consultant Dermatologist, Cosmetic Dermatologist & Dermato-Surgeon, The Esthetic Clinics who shares a list of skin allergies that are common during the monsoon.

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• Rashes: These are the most common skin issues in the monsoons. Most rashes occur because of an increase in allergens in the air. They are also common in people who suffer from recurring allergies such as rhinitis or sneezing episodes.
• Acne, pimples, or facial folliculitis: The vicious combination of humidity and sweat blocks the hair follicles on the skin, and the result is painful bumps and masses of pimples.
• Eczema: Though non-contagious, eczema can be cruel to the skin because it causes inflammation, redness, and itchiness. If not treated, it can also make the skin rough, crack and cause blisters.
• Scabies: Sarcoptes scabiei is a type of parasitic mite that causes rashes and severe itching on the skin. This is very common in children and this skin issue is contagious i.e. if one member of the family gets it, it is likely to spread. Treatment requires dermatological intervention.
• Athlete's foot: it is a type of fungal infection and generally affects the skin under the toenails and feet. It causes very itchy and scaly patches on the feet. The toenails become cracked and rough, and the feeling emits an embarrassingly foul smell and a burning sensation.
• Ringworm: This is a fungal infection similar to an athlete's foot. It appears like rings on the skin that are red in colour. Treatment should be done under the doctor's advice. Self-medication can be harmful for this contagious infection.
• Itchy skin: This can be caused by dirty rain stagnation, insect bites, and other factors. It can be irritating and break the skin, resulting in other issues such as redness, cracks, and bleeding
• Hyperpigmentation: This causes dark coloured patches to develop on the skin because of humidity. They make the skin look dull. The skin starts to produce more melanin because of pigmentation, and it can also be indicative of gastrointestinal disease or metabolic disorder.

The increasing humidity in the atmosphere causes monsoon skin problems. Heat leads people to sweat, and this combination causes bacteria to become trapped in the skin. Here are some expert-recommended tips to help you avoid skin problems and infections while still enjoying the weather.

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• Keep your skin clean. If you come into contact with rain water, wash your hands with tap water as soon as you get home and keep your body dry.
• Use anti-fungal powder in shoes and socks to prevent infection.
• Never stay in wet clothes, underclothes, socks, or shoes. Try to keep them as dry as possible.
• If you have any infections, then wash your clothes separately and iron them inside out.
• Use prickly heat powder after the shower. Make sure your body is completely dry before you use the powder.
• Body folds can hold moisture and, therefore, pay close attention to them.
• Avoid scratching the infected area.
• Wear loose and comfortable cotton clothes and avoid synthetic materials in rainy weather.
• Keep your body hydrated and moisturized. Drink water at regular intervals.
• Avoid plants inside the house as they can cause pollen allergies.
• Keep the pets clean and dry.
• Wear SPF 30 or higher every time you step out of the house. The sun's waves are strong even on cloudy days.
Consult your dermatologist before using any antimicrobial or antibacterial soaps or lotions. Some home remedies, such as neem water for combating infections, sandal powder for itching, and coconut oil for moisturising, will also aid in the prevention of skin problems during the monsoon season.

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