Southern Regional Meeting 2017, New Orleans, LA, February 11-13 ...
staforius infection :: Article Creator From Botched Buttocks To Botulism Claire Panosian Dunavan, MD, is an infectious diseases expert. Long ago, when I was a medical rookie on rounds and pre-op antibiotics were not yet routine, I saw a patient with an infected face-lift. Once beyond earshot, our attending mused about possible slip-ups in her surgical asepsis. I listened, of course, but also couldn't help thinking: "What a shame. She was looking for beauty. Instead she got this?" Thankfully, the patient soon improved. Her gram stain showed grape-like clusters of cocci, then antibiotics were dripped in her veins, and her angry incisions faded and healed. Fast forward several decades, and what a difference. Today, no seasoned plastic surgeon would omit prophylactic armor against Staph aureus, the world's most common post-op invader. But for patients seeking beauty at a bargain, a global market in aesthetic procedures some...