Fine-Tuned Fungi Rescue Plants from Toxic Pollutants - Reasons to Believe
Fungi get a bad rap. They're most often labeled as parasites. They are such in the sense that they depend upon photosynthetic plants for the food they need. However, by that definition, all animals are parasites too. In truth, fungi fulfill many crucial roles for the survival and thriving of other life-forms. Fungal Ecosystem Contributions Fungi are the principal decomposers of dead organisms. They are vital to recycling nutrients in dead plant, animal, and microbial tissues for the benefit of living organisms. Without this continual recycling, life would be short-lived and humans would never have been able to inhabit Earth. Most fungal species are symbionts; that is, they engage in symbiosis. Symbiosis is defined as the living together of unlike species for the benefit of one or both species. Symbiosis can be obligate, meaning one or more symbionts critically depend on each other for survival, or facultative or optional, meaning the two species can survive...