Pinprick Red Dots on Skin That Aren't Itchy: Causes, Next Steps - Healthline
Your skin's health and appearance shifts all the time depending on your environment, lifestyle, and health conditions, among other factors. Sometimes skin problems have an obvious cause, like sunburn or a mosquito bite. But other times rashes or dots appear on your skin that are harder to identify. Petechiae are red, purple, or brown dots on the skin that are generally painless and itch-free. These dots form when your tiniest blood vessels, called capillaries, break and leak blood under the skin. This blood pools under the surface, creating the appearance of spots. Petechiae aren't considered a medical condition on their own. They're often a symptom of another underlying health problem, such as infection, allergic reaction, or autoimmune disease. In this article, we will explore some common potential causes of petechiae, symptoms to watch out for, and when to see a doctor. You can develop petechiae for a number of different reasons, including injuries and infection. In many...