Bumps on Arms: Causes, Treatment, and More - Healthline
Whenever you encounter unfamiliar bumps on your skin, it can be stressful. You might ask yourself questions such as: "Are the bumps dangerous? Will they go away? What caused these bumps to begin with?" Bumps on the arms are pretty common. Unless they gradually change or get larger over time, they are usually harmless. Most bumps on the arms are caused by a condition called keratosis pilaris. There are other possible causes as well, ranging from inflammatory skin conditions to irritation, such as folliculitis. Because of the wide range of possible causes, you shouldn't self-diagnose bumps on your arms. However, you can use the information below to start investigating the underlying causes, which you can then discuss further with a dermatologist or doctor. Keratosis pilaris, commonly known as chicken skin, is the most common cause of bumps on your arms. This condition is characterized by small red or brown bumps that develop on the backs of your upper arms. They may also oc...