Toddler eczema: Signs, development, triggers, and more - Medical News Today
Toddlers with eczema develop patches of itchy, inflamed skin that can also be cracked, blistered, and scaly. The itching associated with eczema can be very irritating and can disrupt sleep. Eczema can occur due to a combination of genetic and environmental causes and triggers. There are many medical and home therapies that can reduce itching and dry skin in toddlers, including wet wraps and diluted bleach baths. Atopic dermatitis is the most common type of eczema. It affects more than 9.6 million children and about 16.5 million adults in the United States. Atopic dermatitis usually begins in the first 6 months of a person's life. Children who have asthma or hay fever may be more likely to develop eczema. Other types of eczema include: This article will explain the symptoms and locations of eczema rashes. It also will go into detail about how to treat eczema in toddlers. The appearance of eczema varies depending on the type a toddler has. The skin can also change over time if eczema...